Westlake Village, CA
2023 Annual Climate Summary
Ave Max/Min 73.9/46.8 (Departures -3.7/-0.7)
Ave: 60.4 (Departure -2.1)
For comparison, the averages for 2022 were 78.6/47.9/63.3
Departures based on station data 2013 to 2022
Maximums ranged from 46 to 102
Minimums ranged from 27 to 67
Greatest Daily Range 49 (Oct 18 with 99/50 and Nov 12 with 86/37)
Smallest Daily Range 3 (59/56 on Dec 20th and 57/54 on Dec 21st)
Number of days with lows of 32 or lower: 15
Number of days with highs of 90 or higher: 51
Number of days with highs of 100 or higher: 3
The departure of the average maximums of -3.7 degrees is quite significant. Here are the departures of the average monthly maximum temperatures by month for 2023:
J 60.2 -6.8
F 63.5 -5.8
M 61.1 -10.7
A. 71.5 -4.0
M 70.2 -5.5
J 73.5 -10.1
J 90.8 +2.9
A 88.9 +0.7
S 80.0 -8.4
O 83.7 +1.5
N 75.3 +1.1
D 68.7 +3.2
Ann 73.9 -3.7
2023 Precip: 33.99” (Dep. +19.08)
Departure of precipitation based on Westlake Village average data from 1999 to 2022
Greatest Day 5.29” on Feb 24
Number of days with measurable precip: 53 (13 in JAN)
Days with thunder: 3
Seasonal rain total since July 1: 7.59” (Dep. +2.88”)
2023 Monthly Rain amounts and Departures
Jan 9.69 +6.25
Feb 7.61 +3.97
Mar 8.33 +6.31
Apr 0.04 -0.71
May 0.70 +0.37
Jun 0.03 +0.01
Jul 0.00 -0.07
Aug 3.26 +3.26
Sep 0.09 0.00
Oct 0.00 -0.66
Nov 0.42 -0.40
Dec 3.82 +0.75
ANN 33.99″ (+19,08″, 228% of the “normal” of 14.91 for the period 2000 to 2022)
Most notable for 2023 at Westlake Village was the rain amount of 33.99”, which is close to 19 inches greater than the 22-year average of about 15 inches. Previous highest calendar year amount at Westlake Village since 2000 was 29.12” in 2005.
The first half of the year was especially cool and cloudy. Both March and June had average maximums of 10 degrees below long-term averages, which is quite unusual. The cool weather was due in large part to an above-normal number of storm systems affecting Southern California, plus cooler-than-normal sea-surface temperatures along our nearby coast combined with more onshore flow than average.
The most notable weather event of the year was the big rain event around August 20, courtesy of hurricane and tropical storm Hilary. Hilary moved northward into Imperial and San Diego counties and caused plenty of flooding problems in desert areas. Westlake Village had 3.00” of rain on August 20. The previous wettest day during August since 2000 was 0.04” in August 2005. The event compared closely to the mid-August rain event with ex-hurricane Doreen in mid-August 1977. Doreen dumped about 2.5 inches of rain into my gage in Woodland Hills around Aug 16/17 in 1977.
Other than Hilary, summer weather was quite free from tropical and subtropical shower activity. September was unusually cool with an average max temp of only 80F.
And, of course, the winter months of J/F/M were exceptionally cool and wet, with nearly 26 inches of rain!
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