Dr. Roy Spencer of the University of Alabama crunched some maximum temperature data for the Death Valley region (covering the last 115 years), and wrote a blog article to share his findings. He found that the early record of July maximum temperatures appeared to run too high, perhaps by as much as ten degrees (F), during its first 10-15 years of record. Dr. Spencer states that he is generally in agreement with me that some high temperature measurements at Greenland Ranch were not properly derived…they were not properly measured and reported. Spencer provided links to my web site and research here at Stormbruiser, and asked me to provide any additional details and thoughts regarding his findings. You can find my response here, and another important follow-up by Spencer here.
What Dr. Spencer has determined is generally what I have argued and demonstrated since I started writing here on Stormbruiser about the Death Valley 134F record (beginning around 2012-2013). Please scroll about halfway down this link to see my discussion and charts for the month of July 1913.
The world’s high temperature record of 134F at Greenland Ranch will be dismissed eventually as more and more scientists take a closer look at it!
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