Stovepipe Wells 1SW is a USCRN weather station which began operating in 2004. It is a high-end automatic climate station with top-notch instrumentation and fabulous exposure. It has three independent temperature sensors, and each one is aspirated! Because of its better exposure and aspirated temperature shields, Stovepipe Wells 1SW is a bit better than the NWS/NPS station at Furnace Creek for temperature data for low elevation areas of Death Valley, at least for summer afternoons. The station is at an elevation of +80 feet, and thus is about 270 feet higher than Furnace Creek. Summer maximums at Stovepipe Wells 1SW would be about 1 to 1.5 degrees F cooler than at Furnace Creek due to the elevation difference. Yes, the Furnace Creek station is adequate and has a much longer climate record, but it has the exposure issues and is proximate to the evaporative cooling effects of the ranch/oasis.
This entry was made to be a place to find some of the climate data from Stovepipe Wells…and perhaps someday it will contain just about every bit of historical weather data from he station! But for know we will have to be content with just the monthly summaries for the Julys since 2004. And one more item before the data list: Why is this station named “Stovepipe Wells 1SW” when it is clearly SOUTH of Stovepipe Wells?
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