Start: Woodward Lunch: Dumas/Hoggs BBQ End: Plainview 506 miles SPC Day One 20Z SPC Mesoscale Discussion 428 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 429 SPC Mesoscale Discussion… [Read More]
May 14, 2018 Northwest Oklahoma Supercell
SPC Day One (20Z) SPC Mesoscale Discussion 414 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 416 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 419 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 420 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 421… [Read More]
May 10, 2018 Western Nebraska Supercells and weak tornadoes
Begin: McCook, NE End: SPC Day One (20Z) SPC Mesoscale Discussion 375 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 379 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 382 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 383… [Read More]
May 9, 2018 Jennings, Kansas, Pretty Stormy Sunset with Mammatus
Begin: Fort Dodge, Iowa Lunch: Omaha End: McCook, NE SPC Day One (20Z) SPC Mesoscale Discussion 373 This tour began on May 5th, and… [Read More]
May 8, 2018 Northwest Iowa storms
Begin: Gettysburg, SD Lunch: Mitchell, SD End: Fort Dodge, IA 507 miles SPC Day One 20Z SPC Mesoscale Discussion 367 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 368… [Read More]
May 7, 2018 western South Dakota Outflow Fest
Start: Kimball, NE Lunch: Chadron/Taco Johns and Subway End: Gettysburg, SD 544 miles SPC Day One 20Z SPC Mesoscale Discussion 365 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 366 … [Read More]
May 6, 2018 High-Based Junky Storms Nebraska Panhandle
Start: Eads, CO Lunch: Brush/Wendys End: Kimball (dinner at “Beer and Loathing” Bar) SPC Day One/20Z Tour 2 began out of OKC on… [Read More]
May 2, 2018 Southwest Oklahoma Supercell
Start: Wichita, KS End: Pauls Valley, OK SPC Day One (20Z) SPC Mesoscale Discussion 313 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 315 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 317 SPC… [Read More]
May 1, 2018 Central Kansas pre-tornadic supercell!
Begin: End: SPC Day One (20Z) SPC Mesoscale Discussion 304 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 307 SPC Mesoscale Discussion 309 Mesoscale Discussion 311 Yes, this… [Read More]
April 30, 2018 Canadian, Texas supercell
Begin: Garden City, Kansas End: SPC Day One (20Z) Moisture was a little better today, with dew points into the mid-50s into the… [Read More]
April 29, 2018 Ulysses, Kansas LP Little LP Supercell
Begin: Burlington, CO Lunch: Burlington, CO (The Post) End: Garden City, KS SPC Day One (20Z) Expectations on the High Plains today were rather… [Read More]
April 27 and 28, 2018 Endee and Kenton
The 2018 storm chase season began very slowly for me. I joined the tour group along Interstate 40 in eastern New Mexico on April… [Read More]
April 15, 2018 Skidoo, Panamint Range and Death Valley
This fine spring day in Southern California found myself and my friend, Jennifer, exploring a handful of areas in the Death Valley region. First… [Read More]
April 15, 2018 Telephone Canyon and Natural Arch, Death Valley
After poking around the remains of the mill near Skidoo, Jennifer and I headed up Lower Telephone Canyon. This canyon is accessed from Wildrose… [Read More]
April 15, 2018 Mosaic Canyon and Twenty Mule Team Canyon, Death Valley
During the mid and late afternoon on April 15, Jennifer and I hiked up into Mosaic Canyon in Death Valley. This canyon is easily… [Read More]