A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 14, 2023 Heat Event in Death Valley Region
A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 13, 2023 Heat Event in the Death Valley Region
A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 12, 2023 Heat Event in the Death Valley Region
A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 11, 2023 Heat Event for Death Valley
A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 10, 2023 Death Valley Region Heat Event
A high-end heat wave enveloped the Death Valley region during the middle of July, 2023. I saved a bunch of maps each day leading up… [Read More]
July 2023 Death Valley Region Heat Event
A high-end heat event occurred in the Mojave Desert and Death Valley regions during the middle of July, 2023. The highest temperatures recorded at most… [Read More]
Record Cool Start to 2023 at Westlake Village
The current year started off wet and cool for most of coastal Southern California (Jan-Mar), and it continued cool and very cloudy for most of… [Read More]
Westlake Village Climate Data
DAILY DATA/MAX AND MIN TEMPS AND 24-HOUR PRECIP (midnight to midnight) Westlake Village/Hidden Canyon station from 1999 to 2012: Westlake Village/Northgate station from 2013 to… [Read More]
September 22, 2022 Death Valley Too Hot Again
A recent blog entry by me which compared the official Death Valley temperature-measurement instrumentation with adjacent temporary equipment (installed by Dirk Baker of Campbell Scientific)… [Read More]
Detailed Afternoon Temperature Comparisons at Furnace Creek in Death Valley in July 2021
Dirk Baker of Campbell Scientific set up separate temperature-measuring instrumentation at the official Death Valley/Furnace Creek weather station in May, 2021. The purpose was, in… [Read More]
August 1, 2022 Stovepipe Wells 1SW Weather Station Images
A “USCRN” weather station was established near Stovepipe Wells, California, in Death Valley in May, 2004. USCRN stands for “United States Climate Reference Network,” and… [Read More]
An Investigation of Death Valley’s 134°F (56.7°C) World Temperature Record (Reid/Burt WU article)
In 2016, climatologist Chris Burt asked me to write an article for his WU (Weather Underground) blog regarding my research on the record high temperatures… [Read More]
New State High Temperature Records for Washington and Oregon and Canada
The mega heat event of late June, 2021, smashed all-time high temperature records for many stations in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. This… [Read More]
BAD WEATHER DATA Los Angeles USC Station
March 1, 2022 Today I am posting the first of what I hope will be many entries regarding bad, poor, lousy, incorrect, and/or dubious weather… [Read More]