By noon-ish we were heading east along I-80 in central Nebraska, near Kearney. The outlook for significant tornadoes on this day was very good… [Read More]
May 25, 2008 Central Kansas Storms
The big play this day was in Iowa, where the Parkersburg monster tornado formed. We began the day in Salina and played central Kansas. We… [Read More]
May 24, 2008 Hennessey, OK Tornadic Supercell
A lone, isolated supercell was a prolific tornado producer as it moved slowly through Kingfisher County and Garfield County in Oklahoma on May 24, 2008. … [Read More]
May 23, 2008 Clark County, KS Tornadic supercell
The timing of the switch from Tour 2 to Tour 3 was not good. We had put up with a lousy pattern for five or… [Read More]
May 22, 2008 Grainfield, KS Cyclic Tornadic Supercell
Gad, I had not seen a good-sized and photogenic tornado for far too long. The last one up until 5-22-08 was on 5-22-07, near Wakeeney,… [Read More]
May 15, 2008 Eagle Pass, TX Supercell
At our morning briefing in Fredericksburg, we targeted the Rio Grande River area somewhere between about Del Rio and Eagle Pass. Parameters looked good for… [Read More]
May 14, 2008 Texas Big Country Supercells
Yet another big day with somewhat high hopes for tornadoes! My forecast target spot was a little west of San Angelo, TX, and that worked… [Read More]
May 9, 2008 Grant, NE supercell
Great Scott……I had a tough decision to make on this morning in Dodge City. Should I play today or tomorrow? Today—a good chance of a… [Read More]
May 8, 2008 Jetmore, KS supercell
Also known by precious few as the famous Shallow Water/Jetmore/Kinsley supercell, this storm began its life by spitting out landspout-type tornadoes in Wichita County, KS,… [Read More]
May 5, 2008 Garden City, KS Supercell
This was Day 5 for Tour 1, with 11 guests and my drivers Jennifer Dunn and Bob (“I just opened a new tab”) Conzemius. We… [Read More]
May 1, 2008 Hail Fredonia
And “Tornado Fredonia”, too, but we could not see it, despite looking at the supercell on its southeast side as it came up to Fredonia,… [Read More]
April 26, 2008 San Angelo, TX supercell
It is chase season again on the Great Plains! I abandoned Los Angeles on Friday, April 25th, and stayed in Las Cruces, NM, on Friday… [Read More]
June 21, 2007 North Platte, NE severe storm
I spent a few non-chase days in Omaha from the 18th to the 20th, and had to be in Denver for the start of Tour… [Read More]
June 11, 2007 Faith, SD supercell
I had about ten days free prior to the next tour, so Brian Morganti and I teamed up for several days. We headed to the… [Read More]
June 1, 2007 Portales, NM Supercell
We targeted the extreme western Texas Panhandle, had lunch at the Big Texan in Amarillo, and moseyed down U.S. 60 to Bovina. A cell went… [Read More]